The myth Dan Neidle is a corporate tax lawyer. I am told he tweeted this today (I can’t tell, because he’s blocked me): So the
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Gove for PM? Really?
I keep hearing rumours that Gove is being lined up to be PM. After this? I missed this. Wow — Nick Murphy (@nickmurftweets) May
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£28 billion of government support – and not a single commitment to secure better business for the common good as a result
The government has just issued figures for the take up of its business loan schemes: To put this in context the average CBILS loan has
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Only government can fund the Green New Deal: the deficit obsession has to end
I share this post from the Tax Justice Network blog with permission. There are small points where I would put this emphasis in a different
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Investment in sustainable energy is collapsing just when we most need a Green New Deal
I thought I had found the most depressing news story of the day already, and then I found this, in The Guardian:The Guardian: Investment in
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Tourism may be the last thing the UK needs right now
I offer this tweet with every caveat under the sun, starting with the fact that I do not know that the data is sourced correctly:
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Time to take the COP 26 talks away from the UK if we are unable to deliver them
The Guardian has the most depressing news story of the day: Vital international climate talks due to be hosted by the UK are expected to
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An end to the polarisation of populism?
I do, of course, know that this is the summary of just one opinion poll, and that it was published in the Daily Mail: Just
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