Some of my Tweets this morning:
Why is the FT pretending that bond markets still have some financial clout?
As the FT noted yesterday In the third revision to its financing requirement since March, the Treasury has demanded its Debt Management Office raises £275bn
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Johnson hasn’t got a New Deal, Green or otherwise unless bringing us to our knees can be called a Deal
They depravity of Johnson’s political claims is becoming ever more apparent. The latest is that he is heading a Rooseveltian New Deal. This is pure
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Debunking the ‘deficit myth’
This BBC video of Stephanie Kelton explaining MMT is great. I just can’t embed it. So please get to it via this Tweet: Why we
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The coup going on right now…in the country where you are
Jonathan Powell was a British diplomat who went on to become Tony Blair’s Chief of Staff throughout his entire time in Downing Street. He has
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Build Back Better
I co-signed this statement issued by Compass today. You can too. Build Back Better As we emerge from this crisis, now is the time to
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Nothing less than a total overhaul will save accounting from itself
Wirecard is a German company managing card payments for customers. It has gone into insolvency. That’s because it has admitted, as the FT has noted,
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The Tory version of The Forgotten Man
I did some reading around the issue of The Forgotten man – who is, apparently, to the focus of government attention according to the new
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On LBC last night talking about the economic programme we need now to beat a recession
I was on LBC last night and got several minutes of almost uninterrupted opportunity to discuss what needs to be done to tackle the economic
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