Comments and Data Protection


As from 17 February 2014 the following comments policy shall apply on this blog:

This blog is written by Richard Murphy as a narrative commentary on tax, economics, accounting and related political issues. It is not intended to be an open discussion forum. You may, however, offer comment for publication here but in doing so you acknowledge and agree that I am under no obligation to publish any comment submitted and that the following conditions will apply to all comments offered for publication.

The first condition is that you have the legal right to offer the comment submitted and that it does not infringe the right of any other persons. You will be responsible for any costs arising if it is found that you are in breach of this condition.

Secondly, the comment offered must be intended to develop the themes I am discussing. There are ample opportunities in a wide range of media for opposing the opinion I offer and you are welcome to use them. This blog is not one of those places. This blog is focused on providing creative solutions to the tax and economic issues we face in the interests of all rather than a few. If your comment is not a constructive contribution to that process it may well be deleted.

Thirdly, I reserve the right to edit and amend any contribution to make it suitable for publication if I think it appropriate without consulting you first or having liability to you for any change made.

Fourthly, I reserve the right to delete any comment or block any commentator who  I decide is behaving in a disruptive or disagreeable manner and shall have no obligation to explain why or have consequent liability as a result of doing so.

Fifthly, all the above being said, I will usually post comments that I do not agree with. That is because the posts on this blog are written to inform and stimulate debate. I always aim to represent my take on matters with clarity and with regard to my informed opinion and as a result I am open (contrary to popular belief) to consider an opposing point of view if presented in a similar manner. But please note that if you are moved to comment please address the ideas presented and not the character of the presenter. Endless exchanges to determine who is right or wrong are tiresome and have no place on this blog. In my opinion, such exchanges only succeed in polarising opinion and stifling debate. Repetition is usually intended to achieve the same result and as such almost invariably gives rise to deletion. Those who persist in presenting comments that do not meet the standards set in this moderation policy can be, and will, be blocked from posting again.

A disclaimer

All the above being noted, the information and any commentary on the law, tax or other issues contained in this blog are provided free of charge and for information purposes only. Every reasonable effort is made to make the information and commentary is accurate and up to date but no responsibility for its accuracy and correctness or for any consequences of relying on it is assumed by the author or the publisher.

The information and commentary does not, and is not intended to, amount to professional advice to any person on a specific case or matter. You are strongly advised to obtain specific, personal advice on any matter that concerns you and not to rely on the information or comments on this site.

NB: This policy was extended with regard to comments concerning Jeremy Corbyn's Labour leadership campaign on 30 July 2016 for reasons noted here.

The fifth point noted above was revised on 25 June 2019.

Please see this addition on 16 June 2022 concerning new commentators. 

My approach to data is explained here; please don't bother to say I am wrong unless you are at least as qualified as me, and make your identity and those qualifications clear.

Data Protection Policy

Key Roles

Data Subject: You reading this document

Data Controller: Richard Murphy

Data Processor: Richard Murphy


Tax Research LLP holds some personal data of commenters on our website.

If a data subject leaves a comment on the website the name and email address of the commentator is stored in the website database. Only the name is viewable publicly.

Tax Research LLP makes no use of the stored email addresses. They are not shared with anyone. The only occasion that they are used is if Tax Research LLP has to make contact with the commentator to discuss an issue raised in the comment.

Data Subjects can also subscribe to receive email digests of blog posts from the website via Google's Feedburner service. This requires email confirmation through the Google Feedburner service. Tax Research LLP has no access to personal data on that service.


If you would like to see what personal data we hold about you electronically and on paper, we have a legal duty to comply and will happily do so. You will need to confirm your identity with a photographic form of I.D. like a passport or driving licence. We will only be able to process requests made with photo I.D. We will respond within the statutory time limit of 1 month.

Policy Date 2nd May 2018

Website Privacy and Cookie Policy


Effective date of this version: 2nd May 2018

Tax Research LLP is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This webpage tells you the data protection and privacy practices for, specifically:

  • What personally identifiable information is collected
  • Which organisation is collecting this information
  • How this information is used

Plain English Summary

We take your privacy very seriously. does not actively track you as an individual.

Should you send us an email via the contact form, your name, email address and message will be emailed to us (as you would expect). This information is kept private. We will store this information within our own email system so that we are able to respond to you.

Should you comment on a blog post or web page on this site, then your name, email address, IP address and message will be stored in our website database (as you would expect). This makes your name, website address and comment (but not your email address) viewable by the general public on the website.

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Blog Post Comments
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Cookie Policy Footer
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