Time to take the COP 26 talks away from the UK if we are unable to deliver them

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The Guardian has the most depressing news story of the day:

Vital international climate talks due to be hosted by the UK are expected to be delayed until late next year because of the coronavirus crisis, it has emerged, dashing hopes they could be reconvened sooner.

The UN talks, known as Cop26, were to be held in Glasgow this November, but in early April they were postponed as governments around the world grappled with lockdown. At that time governments thought the summit could be reconvened within the first three months of 2021.

However, at a follow-up UN meeting on 28 May the UK will try to persuade other countries and the UN that a much longer delay is necessary and talks should be moved to the first half of November 2021, the Guardian has learned.

So we can apparently manage Brexit on time.

And we can have a Covid-19 crisis, in no small part of the government's own creation now, but we cannot manage to hold a conference on the most pressing crisis facing the world?

I hate to say it, but the world does, in that case, need to take this conference away from the UK, which the world should rightly see as a failed state in this context, and give the leadership of this event to a government with the competence to manage it.

We cannot afford this delay. And I have no doubt that it is entirely deliberate.

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