The Guardian has reported this exchange at this evening’s Prime Minister’s press conference on coronavirus: Q: National debt is rising by hundreds of billions. How
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Tax After Coronavirus (TACs) : The need for an investment income surcharge
The reasons why wealth needs to be subject to additional taxation has been discussed in another Tax After Coronavirus (TACs) post, with all links being
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The NHS has ‘survived’ by gutting what the NHS is
Ipsos Mori has just issued opinion polling that includes this summary: Please note, the fuzziness was in the original supplied to me by them to
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Falling dividends make clear the folly of saving in the stock market to fund pensions
The Financial Times has reported this morning that: Royal Dutch Shell has cut its dividend for the first time since the second world war as
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Might half the people in the world lose their jobs as a result of coronavirus? And how many of them will survive if they do?
The International Labour Organisation issued press release yesterday that said: The continued sharp decline in working hours globally due to the COVID-19 outbreak means that 1.6 billion
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There is a new feature on the blog this morning. You will see that there is a donations box in the right-hand column. After almost
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A revamp
As some will have noted, maybe when making comments, the blog got a revamp overnight and now has the latest version of WordPress installed. I
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Question of the day: What demands should be made of companies receiving bailouts?
I was early in my demand that companies receiving bailouts must have conditions attached to them. On 22 March I said: I am suggesting these
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