As I write Germany is announcing a new scheme to support small and medium-sized enterprises in that country. The scheme is of staggering scale. In
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Business can restart but at its core will be new forms of funding few have thought it necessary to think about to date
The FT’s editorial this morning noted that: The OECD suggests that each additional month of shutdown will lower growth this year by two percentage points.
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Bank of England independence is just a charade that’s already been shot to pieces by quantitative easing: the Governor needs to get his facts right pretty quickly
As I have already noted this morning, the new Governor of the Bank of England has been throwing down the gauntlet to the government this
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, people think the wealthy should pay more in tax
As The Mirror has reported this morning: Two thirds of Tory voters say the richest should pay more tax, a poll reveals. Some 64% backed
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The Governor of the Bank of England is now a threat to the wellbeing of this country
Andrew Bailey proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is the wrong Governor for the Bank of England at this (and maybe any
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What Keynes knew that modern economists have seemingly forgotten
I reread Keynes’ 1940 book ‘How to Pay for the War’ last night to prepare for a debate this week (online, of course, and invitation
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