Andrew Dickie drew my attention to this Dutch manifesto for the After Coronavirus era: This concise manifesto, signed by 170 academics working in the Netherlands
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Tax After Coronavirus (TACs) : Tax and democracy
As was discussed in the introduction to this section on Tax and Society within the Tax After Coronavirus (TACs) project, tax has at least six
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When the time is right – and it may be very soon – doctors will have to stop working
A doctor’s primary duty when undertaking their activities is to do no harm. The primary duty of a government employing them is to make sure
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Are Johnson’s days numbered?
Like vast numbers of people I read the Sunday Times article on the government’s failure to address Covid 19 on a timely basis yesterday. I
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Question of the day: What are the conditions for lockdown release?
Sometimes an issue arises to which there is no obvious answer. The usual appraisal of risk cannot apply because those risks cannot be quantified. There
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