As I predicted on March 24, people in the UK are beginning to go hungry as a result of the coronavirus crisis. As Felicity Lawrence
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The timeline of the coronavirus crisis
I have quoted Dr Rupert Read, a philosopher at the University of East Anglia and Green Party politician, here before. This tweet and the related
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Tax abuse, tax havens and Modern Monetary Theory
I was asked yesterday on this blog why issues such as tax abuse and the use of tax havens remain important when modern monetary theory
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Johnson’s refusal to isolate led us to the point where this crisis is worse than it needed to be: he has to be held to account for that
We should never doubt that the UK government chose that we suffer Covid-19 more than other states. On February 3rd Boris Johnson gave a speech
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The government’s misinformation on Covid-19 deaths is unforgivable
I am not going to accuse the UK government of lying to us about Covid-19 deaths, because that would be too kind to them. 980
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