Following my move to part-time academic life I have rejoined AccountingWEB as a columnist. My first column is out this morning: To read the column
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Sustainable cost accounting at the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum
I spoke at the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum conference yesterday on sustainable cost accounting : These were my slides: Sustainable cost accounting Richard Murphy
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The Silicon Six and their $100 billion global tax gap
The full Fair Tax Mark report on the tax avoidance of the Big Six Silicon Valley tech companies is now out. This report has already
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Andrew Neil calls out Johnson for being the untrustworthy coward he is
I think this worth sharing. The BBC did get this right: “It is not too late. We have an interview prepared. Oven-ready, as Mr Johnson
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Funding the Green New Deal: How we could Save for the Planet
Colin Hines and I have a new report out this morning on funding the Green New Deal: As is apparent from the cover, the foreword
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The “Race to the Bottom” and how it makes us all poorer
New from the Tax Justice Network this morning, and well worth watching, my old friend John Christensen talks economics and tax and justice with Naomi
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