I was a signatory to this letter in the Guardian today: For all the divisions on display in this election campaign, there’s one point nearly
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Reform Scotland’s corporation tax proposals are an exercise in promoting tax avoidance
A think tank called Reform Scotland has issued a report this morning entitled ‘Growing Up: A Corporation Tax For Scotland’. There are things you need to
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Investors want country-by-country reporting of tax and other data
The FT has noted this morning that: Investment groups want companies to disclose global taxes And they add: Royal London Asset Management, Aberdeen Standard Investments
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Where would your rather live? In a high or low tax state?
The OECD has reported in an email briefing this morning that: In 2018, four OECD countries had tax-to-GDP ratios above 43% (France, Denmark, Belgium and
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An independent review of public procurement is badly needed
For all those who think all is rosy in SNP Scotland, I hate to disillusion you. It isn’t. I share this from CommonWeal’s Ben Wray,
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The LibDems cannot claim they will fix social care by running a government surplus when the exact opposite would be true
I had an interesting exchange on Twitter with a person called Giles Wilkes this morning: It’s worth knowing a bit of Giles’ background. He now
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Activist investors are increasingly interested in climate change
I am sharing this from the blog of the Corporate Accountability Network, where I originally posted it: Three new reports suggest that matters are proceeding
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GRI issue the first country-by-country reporting accounting standard
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has issued a press release this morning under this banner: I was on the panel that developed this standard over
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