Inequality should be a key theme of this election. And not just absolute measures, either, important as they are. Regional inequality is also a massive
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The problems within our justice system result from Tory dogmatically driven incompetence
Sentencing is not the problem within our justice system. Judges are more than capable of working out what any sentence they might give means, including
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The Tory plan to break our constitution
I hope Paul Spicker will forgive me seeking to amplify a point he made on his blog yesterday. He said: The government of the United
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Quote of the day: Johnson is ‘someone whose narcissism leaves him devoid of empathy’
Quote of the day from John Crace, in The Guardian: Johnson used to at least be able to give a passable imitation of being Boris
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Cyber Monday’s tax gaps: what the big six tech companies do not pay
The Guardian has reported this morning that: The big six US tech firms have been accused of “aggressively avoiding” $100bn (£75bn) of global tax over
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