UNCTAD - a branch of the United Nations - is calling for a Green New Deal in this video, issued yesterday:
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Again…. The lie is spoken.
“There is lots of money around, we need to redistribute, in order to pay for it.
Governments are helpless without the money provided by private finance”
And just like that, you pit the rich against the poor. And just like this election is showing , the rich will do *everything* they can to prevent redistribution, allowing their wealth to leak away.
And just like that. We pass the point of no return.
I utterly hate this narrative, its dangerous, on the scale of extinction. But, the left will not change….. The Paul Masons, The Grace Blakeleys, the Ann Pettifors, The James Meadways.
When WW2 started, did they say we need redistribution, and change the rules of finance in order to fund the war? Of course not. They should not say that now. There should be a massive investment of government money made available to build a green new deal, starting right now. Private enterprise can bid for work…. Tax’s may indeed need to rise in order to free up resources needed, and reduce harmful effects of inequality. But such polices need to be supported by all – rich and poor. Because global climate change doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, we are all in trouble.
…Continuing my last post.
The Left need to wake up, and decide whats most important. Kicking the rich in the nuts, or saving the planet.
The irony is that I think the policies / tax rates / tax avoidance measures that are hinted at in the video may actually be *less* radical than that pushed by a more MMT narrative.
After all, we can’t tax the rich so highly they are unable to maintain their richness – leading to collapsing businesses / confidence, etc. And then who will pay for the GND? The whole concept of taxing the rich to pay for anything, means we have to keep them rich, so they can keep paying. And the world is on fire!