As the Guardian reports: Doctors have voted overwhelmingly to ballot the profession on industrial action to protest against the coalition’s plans to overhaul the NHS pension scheme. Delegates
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Controlled foreign company reform – a new way for the Tories to pass wealth to the rich
The Treasury has announced the next stage in the reform of the UK’s controlled foreign company legislation today. I have said most of what needs
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A possible ministerial code of conduct to perceptions of prevent conflicts of interest on taxation
I have mentioned the fact that I was in exchange with Conservative MPs at yesterday’s hearing of the Treasury Select Committee. Such was the time
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Vodafone’s tax bill in India may double
Why are the Tories so keen to protect Osborne?
I couldn’t have imagined how sensitive the Tories are about George Osborne and how keen they are to protect him. I made what I thought was a
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Do we need 1 Hyde Park?
The Telegraph (of all the unlikely papers) ran an article on the above theme yesterday. 1 Hyde Park for those who do not know it is the new block
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When will Jersey realise that as its finance industry declines its got to look for Plan B?
The Jersey Evening Post has noted yesterday that: Profits in the [Jersey] finance industry last year were at their lowest levels since records began, according
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This is not a pension reform – it’s simply a 3% pay cut
I support those on strike today. I think they are right to protest about the plans the government is making to reduce pension rights. They are arbitrary. Worse, as
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The Treasury Select Committee: 4.15pm today
For those interested I am giving evidence to the above committee this afternoon at 4.15pm. It is live streamed on the internet. My evidence is
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