Hat tip: James
A little note about the IMF – to be read very soon after you hear George Osborne on the same subject
The following comes from the SturdyBlog by Alex Andreou. Alex is not a professional economist any more. He’s now an actor, so no doubt the Tories
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Off the deep end
So true: This gets at the heart of the current pundit problem. If you say that one of our two major parties has gone completely
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Number 10 rattled, so now they’re calling in the IMF
From the First Post Daily: Tory bloggers, tweeters and old-fashioned news print columns today swallowed the line put out by Downing Street yesterday that the
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Private firms won’t offer the NHS value for money
An article in the Daily Telegraph today by Max Pemberton sheds more light on NHS privatisation (with hat tip to Sunny Hundal for drawing this
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The NHS – a stunningly cost effective supplier of high quality healthcare
Paul Krugman drew my attention to a US report on comparing the quality and cost effectiveness of healthcare systems in seven major countries. The report he referred
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Adam Smith wasn’t an economist
The Adam Smith Institute’s reaction to yesterday’s letter calling for a Plan B for the economy is amusing. Using a strategy used by many on
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Changing course is very unwise, as they might have said on the Titanic
The attention given to the letter to the Observer yesterday drawing attention to the need for a Plan B for the economy given the obvious
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