The Telegraph had an interesting report today: Vince Cable has warned that businesses could end up with more regulation rather than less from the Government’s Red
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Let’s not deny it: we really need the state, so let’s celebrate and nourish it
Good stuff from Tim Horton, research director of the Fabians in the Guardian: There are huge challenges for the left in thinking about the future
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The Google tax avoidance story – free from the Australian
The only way to help the ‘squeezed middle’
From Larry Elliott this morning: The pressures on the so-called “squeezed middle” are now intense. These pressures will not be eased without pro-growth macro-economic policies,
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Sean O’Grady gets corporation tax very wrong in the Independent
Sean O’Grady in the Independent has delivered another of his spectacularly wild economic comments in response to my new report on corporation tax for the
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Google: big time tax avoider, and getting bigger by the year (£187 million in UK in 2009)
The Sunday Times did an expose of Google’s tax affairs today. I’ll declare an interest: they asked me to help the investigation, and I did.
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Mike Devereux – the friend of big companies is wrong about corporation tax and growth
The Guardian, rightly, sought contrary opinion when reporting my new report for the TUC on corporation tax cuts. The found it from my old foe, Prof Mike Devereux
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If corporation tax cuts don’t work will Labour have the courage to reverse them?
The Guardian and the Herald in Scotland have covered my new report on corporation tax, competition and its relationships with growth and employment published by the TUC. As the Guardian notes: Lower
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The fallacy at the core of Conservative economic thinking is that low tax works
I have the following blog on the TUC’s Touchstone site this morning: At the heart of George Osborne’s economic policy is a deeply perverse belief that if
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