As Sunny Hundal notes on Liberal Conspiracy: A weekly briefing by the City of Westminster’s ‘Counter Terrorist [sic] Focus Desk’ (see here— PDF file) calls for al
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American democracy, dying after the Party
The USA is about to commit one of the biggest, if not the biggest, frauds in history. It is giving notice of its intention to
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HMRC at breaking point – Treasury Select Committee says – and as foretold
According to the Guardian: The Treasury select committee sees HM Revenue & Customs barely able to function, as a result of real-terms cuts to its
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Why not spend a bit more on the NHS – then GPs would make fewer mistakes?
The attck on the NHS took a subtle new turn today – in the Guardian, of all places. First the was the suggestion that GPs
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Supply side madness from the Tories – the last way to reflate the economy
The FT reported today that David Cameron’s strategy chief, Steve Hilton, wants to abolish maternity rights and all consumer protection legislation. The ideas are barking mad.
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HMRC, ignoring tax avoidance, being uncharitable on error
From Private Eye: Good to see that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) knows who the real tax-dodging villains are in Britain. Having let Vodafone and
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Insight: Microsoft use of low-tax havens drives down tax bill
Great article from Reuters on this issue, here. I admit I contributed. As Lynnley Browning, who has just shifted to Reuters from the NYT noted:
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GSK – welcome, but country-by-country reporting would prove you’re delivering
As the Guardian has reported: GlaxoSmithKline lent its support to the UK economy on Tuesday by pledging to hire more staff and pay more taxes
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The alternative economic policy we need
What follows is not new: I wrote it late last year, in the main. But it remains wholly relevant, as George Osborne’s pathetic economic performance
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