A leak of the OECD’s peer review on tax information exchange agreements for Jersey has been leaked on this blog – and not by me, for
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To my 3,000 Twitter follower….thank you!
When this blog was redesigned not long ago I said I would also be putting more effort into Twitter. I have – and have enjoyed
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How well is Ed Miliband doing? Pretty well, actually
The following was posted by Howard Reed on this blog yesterday as a comment, but it seemed worth reblogging it to me as it addresses yet another
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H M Revenue & Customs is failing to collect tax penalties owing on a staggering scale
There’s a story this morning in the press about H M Revenue & Customs’ failure to collect tax due from those with whom it agreed
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No alternative for Jersey? Of course there is!
Pat Lucas is a formidable and brave campaigner. She lives in Jersey. She’s a Jersey woman. And she loves the island she lives on. Which is why
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14 out of 16 wealth management companies a risk to their clients
The Financial Services Authority has just done a review of wealth management companies – the people who service the needs of the very rich. There are about
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A note to commentators
Between midday and midnight yesterday something like 40 comments were posted on this blog. Some I truly appreciated. Many were nit-picking irrelevance. I suspect 95% or more
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Osborne’s plan to split the banks won’t work
The Guardian reports: George Osborne is to give government backing to plans that will force banks to ring-fence their high street operations in an attempt
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