FT.com | Westminster Blog | How bad? Worse than Ramsay MacDonald . That bad. Nothing can save Labour but a massive rethink.
Norfolk Green?
The Press Association has reported: The Green Party has its sights on its first Commons seat after finishing first in Norwich in the European Parliament
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Holding tax agents to account
Working with tax agents – the specific proposals by Rebecca Benneyworth – 08 Jun 2009. In future when tax agents in the UK are shown
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Gordon’s in a mess: thank goodness
Royal Mail sale to be put on hold in concession to Labour rebels | UK news | The Guardian . The government’s plans to part-privatise
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Sven Giegold MEP
Eva Joly MEP
I’m delighted for my friend Eva Joly: she has been elected a Green MEP in France. As the Guardian reports: What’s left of French politics
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Hope and fear
I can’t pretend I am happy about the political environment this morning. No one in the centre or left of the political spectrum can be.
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Osborne – blatantly untrue
I heard George Osborne on the Today programme this morning blatantly denying the truth. He claimed the Tory’s new partners in Europe were ‘mainstream centre
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Anything but compliant
It has been reported that: Finance Minister Hans-Rudolf Merz says there is no rush to negotiate a double taxation agreement with Germany in the wake
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