Joseph Stiglitz. amongst others, has contributed to a series of economic recommendations to the G8 called the Shadow Gn. High on the list of recommendations:
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One down, 51,999 to go
UBS Client Rubinstein Pleads Guilty Over Tax Return (Update2) – A Florida millionaire pleaded guilty to filing a false tax return that failed to
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Private equity does a u-turn
Private equity does a u-turn | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC. Tax havens, banks and private equity appear to be in
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What now for banks?
Vince Cable in the New Statesman: Banks should either surrender their protection and compete like other firms, or be protected and have their profit regulated
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Another battle won
From the Jersey Evening Post: Jersey has plans to move to automatic exchange of tax information by 2011. Treasury Minister Philip Ozouf has revealed that
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