FT.com / Brussels / Economy – Eurozone banks face $283bn writedowns . Eurozone banks face additional losses of more than $283bn this year and next
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Do we need them?
FT.com / Companies / Aerospace & Defence – Airbus set to gain aid for A350. European governments are set to agree within weeks on providing
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Does the Cayman DTA make sense in the context of the Banking Code
The Guardian has reported the new Cayman double tax treaty, saying: [The UK has] signed an agreement with .. the Cayman Islands, to enable the
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Put People First marches on
The Put People First coalition has issued new campaign demands following the G20 summit ion London in April. Thos that relate to matters of primary
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UK calls for country-by-country reporting
The Guardian has reported that: The UK is backing calls to force multi national companies to reveal precisely how much tax they pay in each
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Country-by-country reporting in the Guardian
This is from today’s Guardian: You are an opposition politician in a developing country rich in minerals. You want to establish exactly how much tax
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