A story I have told a number of times is how in June 2009 I was told by the UK Treasury that automatic information exchange
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The Green New Deal could take the form of a bus
These statistics come from Common Space in Scotland this morning, but I strongly suspect that they would be consistent in England and Wales as well: The
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In praise of Tax Inspectors Without Borders
I share the following from the Tax Justice Network. It’s about a programme in which I played no part, but which has had significant benefit:
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Customs clearances will cost £250 million a week in the case of No Deal
The government suggested the cost of No Deal Brexit yesterday. They were estimates, of course. And all estimates are wrong, by definition. But I think they
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Brexit: MPs sink to a new collective low of incompetent acquiescence
I sat, open-mouthed and incredulous when watching the news that MPs welcomed Theresa May’s announcement of new votes on Brexit on March 12, 13 and 14
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Income inequality, by design
This has just been published by the FT: Income inequality increased in the UK in 2018 as benefits cuts hit the income of the country’s
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The Washington Post is leading the right wing backlash to the Green New Deal, and have got almost everything wrong
The right-wing backlash against the Green New Deal has begun, most especially in the USA. The Washington Post ran a lengthy editorial yesterday making clear
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Labour talks a second referendum when the debate has moved on to extensions
A month to go to Brexit and Corbyn finally, and reluctantly, endorses the idea of a second referendum on the issue, as he promised he
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The left has all the answers
Wolfgang Munchau has a fascinating article in the FT today. In it he suggests: Liberal pro-Europeans are certainly not going down without a fight. But the
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