I have already referred to the quite extraordinary article by Simon McKie in the Church Times last week, and its absurd endorsement of tax avoidance
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Victory at UNCTAD
UNCTAD has won its fight to express its own opinion on globalisation in the face of attempts by the USA and others to suppress debate.
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Tax avoidance is not and never will be a sign of a healthy society
There was an extraordinary article in the Church Times last week. For those not familiar, this is the Church of England’s newspaper read by most priests and
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Last week in Parliament – it was country-by-country reporting time
Country-by-country reporting is being discussed all over the place right now. The best commentary by far on last week’s discussions in the UK’s parliament were
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Apple forgot to mention Luxembourg
Kenneth Thomas makes a very good point about Apple’s tax accounting. As he has pointed out this morning: Some commenters on my article [on Apple]
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Why the European Parliament and Council of Europe resolutions on tax havens are important
Those who support tax havens and dislike fair markets (and that’s most on the right wing of politics) were keen to point out that resolutions in the last couple of
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Why Apple can’t be excused of its tax avoidance
9to5Mac – which describes itself as ‘Apple Intelligence’ – has reacted to the Apple tax avoidance story, saying: The NYTimes delves into a divisive subject in American politics right now:
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Time for Jersey to think again if it’s going to survive?
Just a week or so after the outgoing Guernsey finance minister said that island has to look beyond finance and tax abuse if it is
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If we had country-by-country reporting we’d know where Apple wasn’t paying tax
The New York Times is following the worldwide trend of exposing companies who are very clearly structuring their affairs to make sure they do not pay the
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