In his speech on tax on 19 April CBI director John Cridland said: We’ve now seen proposals for a General Anti-Abuse Rule, or GAAR. Some
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CBI tax misinformation – 60% of small businesses don’t pay corporation tax
The CBI said in its tax briefing last week that: Corporation tax paid differs by sector due to sector size, profitability and the availability of
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CBI tax misinformation – employers do not meet the cost of employer’s national insurance contributiuons
The CBI made a presentation on tax at David Cameron’s favourite think tank, the Policy Exchange, last week – and made about as many gaffs in doing so as
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CBI hypocrisy
Apologists for tax abuse were out in force at the CBI this week, and on this blog in the form of Mark Lee, commenting here. As
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The European Parliament officially adopts the Tax Justice Network agenda
I reproduce below the motion on tax abuse adopted by the European parliament this week. The Tax Justice agenda has now been adopted by Europe.
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The House of Cameron is built on tax haven money
As the Guardian reports this morning: David Cameron’s father ran a network of offshore investment funds to help build the family fortune that paid for
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