Clement Attlee wrote this in 1920: Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes
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The myth of the “wealth creator” has been well and truly shattered
From Heather Stewart in the Observer this morning (a gift that just keeps on giving today): In the heady days before the credit crunch, the
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Why the UK’s biggest companies did not need a 2% tax rate cut
Amongst the few items in last month’s budget not, so far, subject to retrospective Tory regret about the incompetence in the thinking behind it was the 2%
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How come the big business tax gap is £12 billion a year when they and HMRC deny it?
I’ve just referred to this morning’s Observer editorial, which in turn references my 2008 report for the TUC, The Missing Billions. It has for some time been sport amongst
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Why Osborne had no right to be surprised – according to the Observer
This morning’s Observer editorial is essential reading. Amongst its many insights is this one: The trigger for Osborne’s action [on tax relief on charitable donations] is a
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UNCTAD hints that we’re heading back to the North – South divide and that it’s all the result of neoliberalism
I referred on Friday to a TJN blog on a dramatic statement by senior and highly respected former staff members of the UN Conference on Trade and
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