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The CBI’s renamed tax avoidance. It’s tax management now. So that’s all right then
When John Cridland of the CBI spoke at Policy Exchange this morning he said: “Businesses making use of the tax reliefs the government makes available to them
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John Cridland of the CBI is very confused about tax havens, their secrecy and their use by British multinationals
John Cridland of the CBI was speaking at David Cameron’s favour think tank this morning – Policy Exchange. According to the notes the CBI issued he
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European Parliament votes to tackle tax fraud
As I noted yesterday, there was a plenary debate on tax evasion in the European Parliament yesterday, based partly on my work on the subject for the Socialist grouping in
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Osborne’s deficit reduction plan is not working according to the IMF
Larry Elliott is in good form in the Guardian this morning. As he pints out the IMF has just issued their latest forecasts, and for
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The weird and wonderful world of Cayman – where all is not what it seems
The Cayman Islands are passing a new law on national statistics, which happens to have fallen into my inbox. Section 7 of this law says: 7. With
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Big companies pay a lower tax rate on their profits than people pay on their pasties
The TUC issued thsi press release this morning: “Many multi-national companies are paying a lower rate of tax on their profits than most people pay
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