A note from Colin Powell in Jersey on information exchange

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Colin Powell, the man many credit with being behind the success of Jersey as a secrecy jurisdiction, has sent me a note. I think it only appropriate I reproduce it in full. It says:

Dear Richard

I hope you are well.

I have noticed recent references by you and others to the fact that Jersey has only had 36 TIEA requests. That of course was as at June 2010 and I thought you should know that as at June 2011 Jersey has had 65 requests.  With the exception of two cases, and a few that have only recently been received and are still being processed within our usual 40 day period, all have been responded to and to the requesting jurisdiction's satisfaction. As has been said previously, the fact that many TIEAs have only come into force relatively recently has meant that it has taken a little time for the number of requests to build up. This is borne out by the increase in the number of requests from 36 to 65 in the space of one year.

I suspect you will not comment any more favourably on 65 than you have commented on 36 but at least the number quoted would be up-to-date.

Kind regards


I'm happy to put the record straight.

Of course, it would also be good to know what the problem is that currently seems to exist between Jersey and Norway, but I note no elaboration has been offered on that.

And Colin is right: I still find the totally ridiculously small. Something like £400 billion is recorded as being in Jersey. I really think that gives rise to more than 65 questions in four years. But, I accept, that's more than 36.

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