This Tweet from me was popular yesterday: The point is really important, and suggests a real lack of economic understanding on Starmer’s part.
Thames Water’s auditors have concerns about it being a going concern but will our politicians be any better custodians of our water supply now they believe that they’re impoverished?
In a report published earlier this year, I suggested that the English water companies were what I described as ‘environmentally insolvent’. By that I meant
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Why we do not need a wealth tax – but need to tax the income earned from wealth a great deal more
Many organisations on the left of UK politics are now calling for wealth taxes. The Taxing Wealth Report 2024 does not do so. It is
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When only discombobulated will do
I always wonder whether using the word discombobulated is fair. It does, after all, have little common usage. It is cumbersome. And it usually refers
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Labour’s plan for Britain is austerity piled high
Keir Starmer has a deeply depressing article in The Telegraph this morning. He began by talking about: It is in this sense of public service
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Turnstones and eider
It was a dawn start for birdwatching in Walberswick, Suffolk, this morning: It was very cold: it certainly felt like several degrees minus. Amongst the
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Sunak: so wrong
Politics Home reported yesterday: Rishi Sunak has said “climate politics is close to breaking point” and that targets must be reached in a way that
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Accounting Streams
I believe in full disclosure here, so it is appropriate to note that I am a director of this new company, which was incorporated yesterday:
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UK taxes paid by type 2022-23
I write this as part of the background data for the Taxing Wealth Report 2024 that I am now working on and thought it worth
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