I did a quick totting up at about 7pm last evening of the preferences indicated by people commenting on my request for Labour policy priorities for 2024.
I stress, I had to use a little judgement in allocating votes. So, for example, the NHS and social care were sufficiently mixed to be joined and house building and renovation were also joined together, whilst there were a number of variants on re-empowering local democracy which did all, however, feel sufficiently similar to be in a single category. I should also add that financial market reform was largely about re-imagining the purpose of the company.
This is, of course, not scientific. And it is not the list I would have come up with, which I will come to. But that there are clear leaders is interesting.
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I think my point about local regeneration overlaps with empowering local democracy. A real GND won’t be delivered without local empowerment, asset ownership, land reform. Big infrastructure projects such as decarbonising heating (building district heating networks to replace the gas grid) need high level planning cordination and execution. But other elements such as food production forestry and, to a certain degree, renewable energy all require a substantial element of local empowerment. Scotland’s Common Weal think tank have published a detailed action plan for a Scottish GND and it highlights the importance of community empowerment and asset ownership in the delivery of a GND