The issue with wealth is some people’s incomprehension

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As the Guardian reports this morning, and I am not going to even seek to précis this:

The UK's six richest people control as much wealth as the poorest 13 million, according to research by the Equality Trust. They are businessmen Gopichand and Srichand Hinduja (£12.8bn); Sir Jim Ratcliffe, boss of Ineos chemicals (£9.2bn); hedge fund manager Michael Platt (£6.1bn); and property developers David and Simon Reuben (£5.7bn each).

Their combined fortune of £39.4bn jars very heavily with news that at least 135,000 children in Britain will spend Christmas homeless — the worst it has been in 12 years. Polly Neate from Shelter said: “Day in, day out we see the devastating impact the housing emergency is having on children across the country. They are being uprooted from friends; living in cold, cramped B&Bs and going to bed at night scared by the sound of strangers outside.”

But as I noted from conversations in the City yesterday, the concern there is people moving home because of taxation when the concern should be people haing homes at all.

I tweeted last night on this theme, noting:

It is said that F Scott Fitzgerald once said to Ernest Hemingway “Ernest, the rich are different from us”, to which it is said Hemingway replied “Yes, they have more money”.

And that is the difference. But the human need remains the same. What I struggle with is the incomprehension of this reality by some, for whom the money blinds them to all else.

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