There’s an interesting new paper from the Bank for International Settlements out this month, authored by Claudio Borio. Entitled ‘The Great Financial Crisis: setting priorities for new statistics’ the abstract
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Nick Robinson and Jersey Finance
Heard that countries should “compete” on tax? Wrong. The mythbuster series continues
The New Economics Foundation / Tax Justice Network mythbusters series has continued with the next one being featured in an article on tax competition in The
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All money is a confidence trick
A commentator on this blog said this morning: I don’t know a lot about banking, but I do know that banks can’t simply magic money
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Labour welcomes the GAAR – but says it has to be reviewed in two years because there are so many flaws within it
There was a lengthy debate on the General Anti-Abuse Rule in the House of Commons on Wednesday. I’m grateful to Michael Meacher MP, Kelvin Hopkins MP and Caroline Lucas MP
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The world’s opinion on tax havens has changed, and the Economist has been the barometer of that change
It’s not so long ago that the Economist was a died in the wool believer in tax havens. As a bastion of free market thinking
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Neither a divine revelation or a small miracle
From the FT: The Church of England has vowed to vote against outsized bonuses and short-term incentives as it tries to revive the spirit of last
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Is Windows 8 just cumber?
The FT has reported this morning that: Microsoft has given the strongest signal to date of a change of heart over its new Windows 8 operating
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Is asking whether austerity works the most ridiculous question of the day?
As the FT notes this morning: Mr Osborne’s austerity programme, which now extends until 2018, has put him in the front line of a global
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