The following letter was in the FT this morning. I endorse it and what it demands and am pleased by its ecumenical and multi-faith approach:
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Cameron can crack down on tax avoidance or go for tax competition, but he can’t do both
The Association of International Accountants journal features the following this month: And this is the actual article (click for a larger copy): I highlight
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The UK government is not overburdened by debt interest payments. In fact, they’re lower than almost ever
The NEF / TJN mythbuster series has got off to a great start with a joint paper by Howard Reed and Tom Clark. In it
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The Economic Mythbusters have arrived: a new NEF / Tax Justice Network joint venture
nef and the Tax Justice Network have paired up top economists and journalists to write a series of guides exploring the truth behind common economic myths. The first mythbuster, prepared
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Farewell to the 50p tax rate – at gain to a few and great cost to millions
This is the last day of the 50p tax rate. In 2012 I estimated this should raise £6.7 billion in revenue if avoidance had not been
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The New York Times and those now scared witless by tax haven exposures
From this morning’s New York Times (edited): They are a large and diverse group that includes a Spanish heiress; the daughter of the former Philippine
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