The following is by Christine Clough of the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development and was on their blog today and is reproduced
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The assumption of neutrality in Mirrlees
The Mirrlees report claims — it was trumpeted from the platform at yesterday’s launch — that it was ‘neutral’. It did not seek to raise
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A quiet reminder to commentators on this blog
This blog is now averaging traffic of around 7,000 reads a day. I’m pleased. Yesterday it received probably it’s highest number of comments in a
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Hand over the information – now
Comment has been growing steadily in the media on plans that H M Revenue & Customs should be given access to all bank account information
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Game over for Ireland?
I’m one of those who challenged the myth of the Celtic Tiger well before Ireland began its spectacular and obvious economic decline. I took no
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G20 wishes
A group of civil society organisations in the U.S. has just published an open letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, outlining a series of
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