Richard Lambert at the CBI had a letter in the FT this week in response to their first rate editorial on tax shortly before Christmas.
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Paul Mason on 2011
Paul Mason of NewsNight has been pretty audacious in his forecasts for 2011. He ahs 10, all worth reading. Here are two I like: A
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2010 in view
I am still technically on holiday, and admit to be really enjoying the break, but it is normal to review the year gone by and
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Sarkozy: a man with ambition for 2011
The Guardian notes that the French president is a man with ambitions for 2011: Sarkozy’s leadership of the G8’s six western powers and Russia and
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Don’t doubt that the major corporates are still tax avoiding for all it’s worth
Bloomberg have produced another of Jesse Drucker’s stunning reports on tax avoidance in the last couple of days. This one is wholly US focussed, but
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Creating an onshore nation is the only way to restore financial sovereignty
More good argument on the right direction for tax reform, this time from William Brittain-Catlin in the Guardian: Governments of progressive nations should leave offshore
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The FT gets it right on interest
The FT has got on the right track again in an article today that says: The depth of the recent financial crisis was largely due
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Dilbert and the Dutch Sandwich
Jesse Drucker of Bloomberg made the “Dutch Sandwich” famous this year when writing about Google’s tax. Last evening he drew this to my attention:
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Tax Justice Network – a Guide for New Members
The Tax Justice Network is, apparently, getting lots of messages of interest about joining. So it ha produced a guide for those who want to
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