As I’ve already mentioned, I spoke this lunchtime at a debate organised by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation. Three speakers — Mark
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The Green New Deal for Northern Ireland
The Green New Deal for Northern Ireland has been formally launched. This is direct spin off from the group of which I am a member.
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Pensions: a guest blog at Left Foot Forward
I had a guest blog on Left Foot Forward today. It said: There’s an item of government spending which has been subject to almost no
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Draft OECD report says Jersey “could do better”
During the debate on the future of secrecy jurisdictions at the Centre for the Study for Financial Innovation today Geoff Cook of Jersey Finance (who
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Let’s have a little more tax evasion
No, not my words, unsurprisingly. I spoke this lunchtime at a debate organised by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation. This organisation says
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Switzerland: this is not pragmatism
David McNair of Christian Aid has an article on Comment is Free at the Guardian this morning. Talking about the proposed tax agreement with Switzerland
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To the Isle of Man – let’s see
I reported on Sunday news that has reached me that the Isle of Man is to be forced to renegotiate its VAT agreement with the
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