330,000 and rising

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Not many people paid much attention to the video and related transcript that I posted to this blog yesterday, in which I suggested that 2025 might not be such a good year for Donald Trump. It only attracted eight comments.

The situation was somewhat different on YouTube. It appeared to be attracting slightly above-average traffic until about 10 in the morning when there was a sudden and very marked upturn in the number of people viewing it. About 10,000 people had viewed it by that time, which was good, but from then on it ran at more than 30,000 views an hour for a number of hours. By this morning, the total number of views has exceeded 332,000 views, and will I suspect have more than that by the time you read this. It has also attracted more than 7,000 new followers to my YouTube channel.

Although my discussion was a UK-based commentary on US politics, the vast majority of those watching this video appear to be in the USA. More than 97% of those ticking to say whether they liked or disliked the video provided a positive indication of their appraisal of it. What is more, the average viewing time was 64% of the video, with around 50% watching it to the end. Both are above average on YouTube.

Nothing that I have published on the blog or on the YouTube channel has ever attracted anything like this level of traffic before. In fact, there have never been 100,000 views of the blog in a day, ever, and those with more than 50,000 views are very few in number, so please forgive me if I do, as a result, note this surprising event.

I do not publish for the sake of attracting numbers of hits on any platform. Nor do I obsess about attracting or keeping followers. If I were, then I would not have posted about Labour in the way that I have done this year because it has most certainly cost followers on Twitter and maybe lost traffic here. But, when an event like this happens, I cannot help but say that it is quite rewarding to know that something that you have produced is appreciated by a lot of people.

When I asked on this blog earlier this year whether a YouTube channel was a good idea, the overall feedback was not enthusiastic, but I decided to take the risk. It seems that the risk is beginning to pay off.

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