Unless Labour listens and learns we are in big trouble

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There is much discussion of the causes of what is being called 'far-right' rioting in the UK this morning.

No one is, unfortunately, calling it neo-fascist on mainstream media when that is what it is.

Nor is the term Islamophobia being used, at least as far as I have heard, including on the BBC. Anti-semitism is mentioned whenever possible by media outlets. When what we are seeing is outright Islamophobia, apparently, the media do not know how to use the term.

Nor is this violence being described as racist, because it is apparent that this is exactly what motivates those who are rioting.

And nowhere in the reactions that I am hearing from flag-waving Labour politicians is the fact that faux nationalism by those who similarly like to wrap themselves up in flags to further their political cause is a factor in all this. It's as if these Labour politicians don't realise that it was Farage and his cohort who started all this flag-waving nonsense in the first place and what they are doing is pandering to it.

Finally, there is no discussion of the fact that what we are witnessing might be perpetrated by a few, some of whom seem very good at mastering the art of misinformation, but the fact that it is happening reveals a wider likely feeling of alienation within our communities on which extremist sentiment feeds.

It is a fact that Stoke, Sunderland, Hartlepool, Liverpool and elsewhere lost out very badly during the neoliberal era that set out to destroy what so many of these places once contributed. No politician in power in 45 years has now sought to address the fact that Thatcher deliberately destroyed British manufacturing in pursuit of her political agenda that sought to undermine the power of working people, and no one has tried to replace it with anything else ever since.

Nor have they in any way sought to address the resulting inequalities in the UK.

Labour has already set out its stall. It will maintain child poverty, or increase it. It will penalise pensioners so that its books might be balanced. It has abandoned programmes that could deliver tens of thousands of skilled jobs working in the communities of the UK delivering green energy. And it has made clear that it does not want to tax the rich. The sense of alienation among those knowing that yet another government has no intention whatsoever of helping them is real.

Nothing condones neo-fascist, racist and violence. But the answer will not be prison sentences vastly lower than those given out for causing a traffic jam to protest about the real threats that exist in this world. The answer lies in changing our society to make sure people are not left out.

Labour appears to have no clue how to do that and no intention of listening or learning about what is needed. As a result, I despair about our situation. We never expected the Tories to address what was wrong with Britain, but once upon a time, we might have expected Labour to try to do so. Now, they don't.

There are answers to the state we are in. But when mainstream politics refuses to consider them, or even name what is happening, we are in trouble.

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