Jeremy Vine: 12 noon, today on BBC Radio 2

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I am in Sheffield this morning to present a new draft paper that my colleague, Prof Andrew Baker and I are writing on an appraisal methodology for the impact of freeports, which relies on qualitative rather than quantitative data when one of the whole purposes of freeports is to create opacity that makes their quantitative impact hard to appraise.

Prior to doing that, however, at 12.30 I will be on the BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine programme, discussing taxation of the wealthy, up against a Tufron Street insider, no doubt.

Then, I move on to do an online presentation at the Addis Tax Initiative general assembly meeting on the importance of tax transparency and the work I am doing with Andrew Baker, the Global Initiative for Financial Transparency and International Budget Partnership on this issue.

I am not quite sure where lunch fits in today, but I reckon I will have earned it.

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