The power of a thread, or two, and a request

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A week ago I noted that I had reached 70,000 Twitter followers, that number having increased by 10,000 over the previous ten months.

Today I can note that in the last week that number has gone up to 77,000 followers, which I admit seems quite extraordinary.

Two threads have been primarily responsible for this. The first was on the national debt, published last Tuesday, and that on the nurses' pay dispute, published on Saturday.

The one on the national debt has now reached 1.6 million people, with 129,000 interactions,  9,500 likes  and 5,800 retweets.

That on nurses' pay is not as impressive, in comparison, but still reached 306,000 people, with 26,000 interactions.

They follow in a pattern of writing long threads that I only developed last year, and which I have not seen others using, although I am sure they do. The threads are of up to 3,000 words, and so more than 80 tweets long. I am astonished that this does not seem to put people on Twitter off, and most do not use Threadreader.

The current list of threads looks something like this (all have been posted here, where they tend to not be as popular).

The history and significance of QE in the UK

QE and funding the Green New Deal

How to find £50 billion

Macroeconomics, money and post-Brexit recovery

Why we don't need to repay the national debt 

Why we need tax increases now - and matching tax cuts

The national debt paranoia

The nurses' pay dispute and what we value in society

This, which was not a Twitter thread, I would also add to the list:

How to use local and hypothecated bond issues to fund the recovery

I note this to raise a question. I have been asked by a number of people if they might turn the threads into PDFs so that they might share them more easily. That has persuaded me to think about this. I did so at Christmas, but have simply not had time to do much about this since, and in the meantime the number of threads has grown.

In principle these threads could be a book, but I am not sure that they flow as such. They are, instead, more like a collection around a theme. I could create that collection in Word, but I suspect it could be done better than I have the time or ability to do. There is no intention to formally publish and sell this, but instead to make it available as a download for those who want to read about the issues I touch on. But that needs help with design.

As I do for videos, I have a budget for this, made available out of donations. But before I look elsewhere is there anyone here with the requisite skills who might like to discuss this?

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