I liked this tweet, a lot:
Inflation is a figment of a few economist’s imaginations
As some readers, and maybe more of my Twitter followers will know, Prof David Blanchflower of Dartmouth College (who is always known as Danny) and
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One jab is not enough: two are needed for vaccination
Just to fuel the Covid debate that is going on here, I offer this from the latest React Study from Imperial College London: As they
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Public country-by-country reporting has been approved in the European Union
As Transparency International reported yesterday afternoon on an issue very close to my heart: Transparency International EU, the Brussels office of the global movement against
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That seemed to go OK
Reaction to my talk for Keele from the organizers, a least, seemed to be pretty good: What I have seen from the audience comments –
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Reappraising the tax gap
I learned yesterday that a book to which I contributed a chapter has been published. That book was the final output of the Combating Financial
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Who pays for COVID-19? In search of tax justice
The above was the slightly awkward title that my talk to Keele World Affairs ended up with. The talk will be available in video format
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