This exchange took place this afternoon in Parliament: Sajid Javid (Bromsgrove) (Con) I commend my right hon. Friend’s statement and the actions he has taken
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The Sunak ain’t gonna shine anymore
Couldn’t resist it: Sunak is not going to shine anymore. Not after today he isn’t. Thanks to PSR, who comments on this blog, for the
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The furlough bonus scheme: possibly the biggest waste of government money ever?
Rishi Sunak has introduced a Job Retention Bonus scheme today. The Treasury says of this: The government will introduce a one-off payment of £1,000 to
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Will country-by-country reporting deliver?
Alex Cobham posted a fascinating timeline twitter thread on country-by-country reporting this morning in anticipation of the OECD publishing the first international aggregated data based
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The economic gloom in the UK will have increased after today’s dismal performance from Sunak
What to make of the Sunak Summer Statement? There are a number of immediate thoughts. First, never before has so little been held back for
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Are companies paying enough corporation tax?
I have argued that there is ample scope to increase the tax paid by those with wealth in the UK. A whole part of the
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Modern monetary theory gets to Westminster
I am often asked if MPs get modern monetary theory. Yesterday they had a chance to do so. Angus MacNeil MP hosted a meeting at
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Will Lagarde deliver Green quantitative easing? We can hope
The FT reports this morning that: Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, has opened the door to using its €2.8tn asset purchase scheme
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