The EU parliament plans to declare a climate emergency: another step on the way to a Green New Deal

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Do you remember the EU? That place some are so desperate to leave? Whilst we are having an election no one really wants the EU parliament is doing its business. And as Euronews has reported:

A majority of European Union lawmakers hoped to declare a “climate emergency” on Monday, a week before a United Nations climate conference in Madrid.

Members of the European Parliament said the declaration would increase pressure on the incoming EU executive, expected to start work on Dec. 1, to take a stronger leading role in the global fight against climate change.

“The EU must act together and lead by example in international climate negotiations through concrete actions and measures,” the centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D), the second largest group of lawmakers in the parliament, said in a statement.

They plan to pass the symbolic declaration during a debate on the United Nations' COP25 climate summit, which opens on Dec. 2 in Madrid.

And yes, this matters.

The Green New Deal has to be national, of course. But it has to be international as well. And in this regard the EU is key. The new Commission is already saying it is dedicated to the cause of environmental transformation. But the Parliament has to hold them to account on this, and is saying it will.

I sincerely hope this happens. Some of us still believe in a European ideal.

More importantly, some of us know we need a Green New Deal, even if the Tories are in denial on it in the UK.

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