This is the Christmas Panto in the Tivoli in Copenhagen: As they say: You could not make it up. Except we did….. Hat tip: Len
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So much for the right wing view of economic freedom: it’s oppression by another name
According to the US-based Heritage Foundation Hong Kong leads the world on economic freedom: This morning it is reported that: So much for the American
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The Tory message is that we cannot afford to maintain life on earth. They believe that a nice tidy government balance sheet is more important than life itself
The Guardian is not alone this morning in reporting the latest report from theInternational Energy Agency The world’s existing climate policies will not be enough
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It’s time to tax billionaires
As the FT notes this morning: They are right. Which is why wealth taxes should be on the agenda at this election. And I stress,
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The Tories have borrowed 67.5% of UK national debt since 1946
In an election where lies will play an important part in the messages some parties will deliver some facts will help. Start with these. Overall
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