I was a signatory to this letter from a majority of the members of the Council of the Progressive Economy Forum in the Guardian: We
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Venn Diagrams for our times: Boris Johnson and climate change
Holding corporations to account: London 10 December
Holding Corporations to Account: towards an Economic Democracy? Tuesday, December 10, 2019 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM ***** EARLY BIRD TICKETS WITH 1/3 DISCOUNT END 26TH NOVEMBER
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Labour commits to unitary taxation – which is a long standing tax justice demand
I happily repost the following from the Tax Justice Network blog, excluding the main sections relating to the OECD, to which I refer you to
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The UK needs the type of radicalism Labour is proposing
I have this morning suggested that the questions that the Labour manifesto poses are threefold. The first is whether their diagnosis of the current state
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Labour is right: Britain has a broken economy that needs fixing
The questions that the Labour manifesto poses are threefold. The first is whether their diagnosis of the current state of the economy is right. The
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