The Green New Deal Scotland should be discussing

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Common Weal is a Scottish think tank that promotes independence on a cross-party basis. It director, Robin McAlpine, noted (with more than a hint of despair) that in his opinion the SNP is not taking the Green New Deal seriously enough in a blog post today.

He suggested as evidence that this autumn's SNP conference will not be discussing the issue (or independence, come to that). He knows that because this motion was presented for discussion and not selected for the conference agenda. I thought it worth sharing here to show how the Green New Deal is spreading rapidly, and is (or at least should be) in many ways the dominant political issue of the moment:

Green New Deal Motion rejected from SNP annual conference agenda

The world faces a climate emergency and Scotland's wealth and abundant natural resources mean that we should be leading the response. Neither markets alone nor individual action can solve this problem and the cost of ensuring a sustainable future for our children and their children will be substantial. We call on conference to commit to a large-scale, coordinated programme of public action funded through Scotland's fair and progressive tax system which will decarbonise heating, transport and electricity, make all homes genuinely energy efficient, move towards a zero-waste economy and ensure that all activities including agriculture regenerate our environment and ensure the survival of all of Scotland's diverse wildlife.

We also call on conference to recognise that an adequate response to climate change will be different in different countries depending on their weather, geography, natural resources, economy and domestic politics. Scotland's conditions are different from those of the rest of the UK, not least our political will to act now and our enviable renewable energy and other natural resources. But our efforts to become a world-leader in climate change are severely restricted by a lack of political will at Westminster and a range of policies which may suit the rest of the UK but do not fit Scotland's needs. A truly transformative Green New Deal for Scotland will require Scottish independence and the power to invest which comes from having your own currency.


NB I will be discussing a Scottish Green New Deal in Glasgow and Edinburgh on 28 and 29 August.


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