it was put to me over the weekend that this blog may not be as appropriately named now as it was when it was launched more than 13 years ago. Tax is not its sole focus by a long way now.
I thought about alternatives and the best I could come up with was TAPER - Tax, accounting and political economy research.
Any thoughts?
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“A rose by any other name…………”
Just keep doing what you do whatever name you choose!
Your thoughts and analysis provide an excellent APERITIF
A(ccounting) PER in Tax Intelligent Finance
Excellent as always
How about ‘Heterodoxual UK’?
TAPER is fine though.
I like the first but suspect few would get it
Oh go on – be a devil!!
It might make people nosey and then they get exposed to your writing which is very, very good.
Hi Richard. How about RePEAT…….Research in Political Economy, Accounting and Tax. Whatever the name, just please keep on providing your enlightening and informative work!
I’d instinctively be against the name change (it’s not like when you move away from tax the viewership suffers because the name’s not right), but if you plan to this is where I’d put my vote!
Call it as seems fit but you should not, I suggest, on any account, change the existing web address.
To me all it needs is a few additions to the strapline ‘Richard Murphy on tax and political economy’.
The web address would not change!
I may just change the strapline
How about: Richard Murphy
Some clever suggestions, but I think cleverest of all is to leave it alone.
Peter May’s strapline suggestion has merit perhaps, including as it does the phrase ‘tax and political economy’. We have suffered too long under the false impression that these things are separable; that economics can somehow exist as a discipline which is politically neutral and an objective science of money and finance.
It was worth bouncing it
Not for long, it seems
The point I was making was do they need to ‘get’ the strapline; they need to ‘get’ your writing in my view.
TAPER: relief from ill-informed opinion.
No change required. You deal with an audience who can take a serious sounding stuff. Flippancy abounds online.
Also change the web url. Whoever manages your website should easily be able to put a redirect on the old url to the new url so no traffic is lost
That I would not do
I have not changed the name of my blog over the years since I established it, though it has changed in nature (and how!). There have been some good names suggested in previous comments – but most of all I agree with a common sentiment from a number of previous commenters – just keep doing what you are doing.
In Spanish:
TAPER (From Tupperware®, reg. Brand, or Tupper®, reg.)
1. m. Plastic container with airtight seal, used to store or carry food.
Royal Spanish Academy © All rights reserved
Leave well alone.
I think that’s the conclusion
diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end.
narrow · thin (out) · become narrow · become narrower · become thin · [More]
TAPER works as an acronym, but the word has meaning as a verb that I don’t associate with your writing. Seems to me that you are a seeker, someone who is lit up by ideas that will enrich our collective, human experience, rather than the diminishing rhetoric of the fake news naysayers.
If we are to survive, we need see that the king has no clothes, and time is running out…
What’s in a name anyway, keep up the good work.
No change needed. It does what it says on the tin! I agree with the strapline change however.
Always an interesting and intelligent read
An after-thought. Why not TRUK
As in having no TRUcK with…
Strapline changed already
That’s quite good – except will people get it?
I would leave it as it is. Taper would lead to a lot of doctors descending on your site thinking it was about something else entirely!
I really like Neil M’s RePEAT…….Research in Political Economy, Accounting and Tax. I think starting the heading with ‘Tax’ is, perhaps, a bit of a put off to some people, as is ‘Accounting’. Seemingly dry. Start with making it a broader theme for broader appeal.
I was drawn in by the articles upon the Green New Deal, you were spearheading years ago – its implication on the economy (Win Win as far as I could see then, and now, for the environment and the economy). I really would not have looked at your blog if I had not been attracted by your work upon this.
Not decrying accounting and tax as this is so essential; realising from your blog the implications of tax justice in creating fairer societies.
So, please, consider ‘RePeat’ or REPEAT.