The Guardian has reported tbhi morning that: Deputy governor Jon Cunliffe told BBC radio this morning that he’s concerned about families with high debt levels.
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Fifteen years of the Tax Justice Network
It’s now more than 15 years since I chaired the first ever public meeting of the Tax Justice Network, held in the House of Commons
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One sentence that lays central bank independence to rest
A very senior economist of my acquaintance said this in an email today (due to Chatham House rules I cannot disclose who): If mainstream monetary
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VAT fraud: my presentation to the EU parliament this morning
I have already noted the information I supplied on VAT fraud in advance of the hearing of the Tax3 Committee of the EU Parliament that
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The scale of EU tax fraud
I am presenting evidence to the EU Parliament’s Tax3 Committee this morning on VAT fraud. In advance of the hearing the Committee asked for my
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