Jolyon Maugham has a rightfully indignant blog out this morning on the fact that HMRC has not been prosecuting cases of overseas tax evasion. But
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Shareholders cannot be taxed on a company’s profits
As I mentioned in my previous blog, the fourth question thrown into the debate I had with Dan Mitchell last night in Montreal was whether
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The case for corporation tax: yesterday’s debate in Montreal
I debated with Dan Mitchell of the libertarian Cato Institute and Center for Freedom and Prosperity in Montreal last evening, before literally dashing for the
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50 Shades of Tax Dodging
This comes from the Eurodad website as I am running late this morning, even in Montreal time and haven’t got time to cover and important
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Amazon, eBay and VAT: the Radio 4 report
The Joy of Tax is waiting in the wings
Polly Toynbee has a good article on tax in the Guardian this morning headlined as: We risk discovering the joy of tax only after it
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TJN Financial Secrecy Index 2015 reveals improving global financial transparency, but USA threatens progress
The following comes straight from the Tax Justice Network and is important enough in my view to reproduce in full. I should declare that I
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If tax expenditure is £111 billion a year why is the government targeting tax credits?
Jolyon Maugham has published an excellent blog today in anticipation of the Comprehensive Spending Review, due later this month. I strongly recommend reading it in
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Amazon and eBay: who is liable for the VAT evasion?
The Guardian, BBC and others have covered an unfolding story of massive VAT evasion as a result of distance selling from China (and maybe other
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