Thanks to Jo Haynes for sending me the Royal Mint’s accounts for 2011-12. Note 2B on sales is as follows: Now of course the Mint
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The ICAEW’s tax haven failure
I’ve long defined tax compliance as seeking to pay the right amount of tax (but no more) in the right place at the right time where
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Real income per head is falling steadily. If you’re lower earning, that is.
As Larry Elliott has noted in the Guardian within the last hour, referring to statistics out this morning: In the first three months of 2012,
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We need to pay tax whistleblowers
As the Telegraph reported this morning: HM Revenue & Customs has been handing out hundreds of thousands of pounds a year in the little-known bounty payments
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If we had tax justice you could retire at 65 with a decent pension
An Olympic sized economic crisis coming to the UK’s GDP soon
The FT’s reported this morning: The Olympics is creating a “ghost town” effect in central London as visitors who would normally flock to the capital’s shops, hotels
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When the flaws are endemic fining banks is not enough
The FT carries this headline this morning: HSBC says it’s “shameful, embarrassing and very painful” that it has had to do this. The reality is though that this is
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Tax Justice Focus – The Inequality Edition. Guest edited by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and
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Olympic secrecy of jurisdiction the day: the UK
Having had a ‘secrecy jurisdiction of the day’ yesterday I thought it worth continuing the theme, with an Olympic twist since I, amongst many others,
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