I liked this letter from Paul Nicolson in the Guardian this morning: It is the decisions of parliament that have led to banks’ unruly behaviour.
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Why did Barclays work as a Quaker bank?
Quakers seem to be in vogue at the moment. John Plender wrote about them in the FT last week; Aditya Ckakrabortty has done so today
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Only the state can provide the care we need in old age
So says Polly Toynbee in the Guardian this morning. And she is right, of course. It’s a message I also deliver in The Courageous State (see right). As she
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Multinational company reporting is just not good enough says Transparency International
Transparency International has published a new report on the reporting of multinational corporations this morning. As thy say: The world’s largest publicly-traded companies are reporting more than
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