Should the BBC have its own investigation into the handling of the financial crisis?

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It seems to be hand wringing day on the financial crisis. The Treasury has admitted mistakes. The Bank of England is not, and yet we learn this morning that for the second year running that a banker - in this case Sir Mervyn King of the Bank of England - is to give the BBC Today Programme lecture, on 2 May. He follows Bob Diamond.

And that seems an apposite moment to introduce a comment made on the blog this morning by 'npt3' that said:

The BBC likewise should have its own internal investigation on its dealing with the financial crisis.

 Oh yes. Once Northern Rock was over it's been all downhill for the BBC in the last three years. The economic viewpoint (Paul Mason apart) has been fiercely pro-cuts. The attempt to find alternatives has been abysmal. The willingness to promote the possibility that government spending might help us out of this mess has always been met by the small-minded credit card analogy. Any suggestions around tax reform are always branded anti-business. We've had three Tory panels on Newsnight!
The BBC has failed badly during this crisis. It;s not reported objectively. It's blocked discussion of alternatives. It has been far too pro-cuts. It has blocked debate. It's not been a pretty tale. So I'd welcome a review.

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